Thursday, February 14, 2008

aim: how do i write from another person's point of view

1) The Underground Railroad was a highly organized system.
Many of those involved in the Underground Railroad were,
Free blacks
Harriet Tubman was not important to the Underground Railroad
Why would the escape of a small percentage of slaves cause so much trouble?
Because some of them might be hungry or sick or get caught by the slave catchers
How did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 affect escaped slaves?
It made people angry with the law so they joined the anti-slavery cause.
The first Canadian African American newspaper was produced by,
Josiah Henson
What might have happened if the Underground Railroad hadn't existed?
black slaves won't have freedom.
Why did so many escaped slaves move to Canada?
The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

You are a member of the Underground Railroad. A small group of runaway slaves has come to your home to be hidden. All goes well until a neighbor who is not sympathetic to the cause becomes suspicious. What do you do?

If i was a member of the undergroung railroad and a small group of runaway slaves has come to
my house to be hidded i will help them because it wasn't actually fair that people got to be slave

or to work for days and nights with no money or enough food and also get beat up if they did

something they wasn't supposed to be doing. And a group of runnung away slaves can come to

your house house to be hidden because they might be thinking that you are the only one that could help them out on the situation they are.

if you were a slave who was planning to runaway, what kind of plans would you make? How would you know when the time was right to leave?

If i was a slave who was planning to run away the kind of plans i would make is that trying to find anyplace that i could be or somewhere that i could get help. And i will also try to find some weapons so nobody is never going get you in trouble or if they might you just can kill them and leave. For me as a slave if i want to leave the time the i think to leave is at night because the slave catchers or the oversees might be in sleep and nobody is going see you because its at night.

slaver a slave ownerf

the slaver has punished a runaway slave

dangerous danger
it is dangerous to have a lion in your house

successful famous
what can we do to make this school successful

yoke a wood

people can use a yoke to drive a horse

actually really
i actually don't know n othing about it

extremely completely
it is extremely dangerous to attack a snack

industrious huge
an industrious immigrants are in new york

runaway go forever

many slaves ran away

former relationship
the former are more comprehensive than those of the latter

various kind
the enviroments are definitely various



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